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The Sino-German "Galaxy Formation and Cosmic Large-Scale Structure" Bilateral Workshop have been held in Nanjing

The Sino-German "Galaxy Formation and Cosmic Large-Scale Structure" Bilateral Workshop have been held in Nanjing,during the 24th to 27th October 2012.The workshop was co-sponsored by the Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the German Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy. There are 50 participants from Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy,  Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics, National Astronomical Observatories, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory,Shanghai Jiaotong University, Nanjing University, Tianjin Normal University and the Purple Mountain Observatory.

The theme of the workshop is "galaxy formation and cosmic large-scale structure”. The conferees have witnessed warm discussions on the hot issues of the galaxy and cosmology, including galaxy and large-scale structure formation in the cold dark matter model, hydrodynamic simulations, gravitational lensing, warm dark matter model and non-standard dark energy model, during the 3 days. The Sino-German astronomers have enhanced the mutual understanding in the field of galaxy and cosmology , and reached a preliminary consensus on cooperation, in the workshop. 

This workshop is the first bilateral workshop after the establishment of the  Sino-German Max-Planck Partner Group (PMO & MPIA).  Dr Xi Kang, who is the Chinese leader of the group, said that more regular meetings will be held and more astronomers will be invited in the future.

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