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Special Talks(Group communication) on Oct. 9th

 At the noon of 9th of Oct, Science News with Special talks was held in the biggest conference in PMO. Four young research scientists of One hundred Talent Program gave a brilliant and wonderful talk about high energy astrophysics as well as the important technology for Terahertz Astronomy.

Prof. Shan, Wenlei started his talk with a very interesting topic with “Noise, Be Quiet”. He explained how to decrease the noise level was very important for instrument people. All their purpose is to obtain the real signals as much as possible. He introduced his main contributions for a couple of detectors of ALMA and his continuous contributions in the South Pole Astronomy.

Prof. Wu, Xuefeng first briefly introduced some science topic related to South Pole Astronomy. Then he explained the fireball models for gamma-ray bursts in very details. Certainly how to determine the distance precisely is playing a key role.  He showed us the details analysis about a sample of those gamma-ray bursts.

Discussions were very hot. Only 15mins leftover. Prof. Liu, Siming presented his talks with very rich pictures of radio galaxies, SNR. He pointed to us that the radiation and acceleration mechanics of  particles in high energy, both radio and X-ray (as Prof  Ji, Li complemented ) were very important to understand the physics behind. Li also gave a additional remark about the key role of the spectroscopy.

In the last couple of minus, Prof. Ji, Li gave a real science news about the flares of the supermassive black hole of our Galaxy, SgrA*, a newly accepted ApJ articles shown in astro-ph with ID 1209.6354. She said it was a Chandra large XVP project with 3Ms. and the data would be ready in a year. She is a key member for diffuse hot plasma surrounding this black hole.

There are about 50 people were present today including our faculties, postdocs and graduate students.
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