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Workshops of cooperation agreement between Purple Mountain Observatory--Shandong University and collaborations in Astronomy and space sciences

During 10-11 Feb. 2012, workshops of cooperation agreement between Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) -- Shandong University (SDU) and collaborations in Astronomy and space sciences were held in PMO. Shenghao Han, the precedent of SDU and Ji Yang, the director of PMO assigned the agreements. Space science is one of the three major branches of the Weihai campus of SDU. There are space sciences department, material physics department, physics department, and laboratory center of space science and physics. The weihai campus of SDU has a 1-m optical telescope and a 30cm one, which support the key laboratory of optical astronomy and solar-earth space of Shandong province. Agreements are based on the collaborations of project plans, human resources, public education, etc. During the workshop, plan etary science, space science, and theobservations of space debris were discussed. 

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