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The 12th RHESSI Workshop and High Energy Solar Physics Symposium has been successfully held in PMO

From Oct. 17 to 21, 2011, the 12th RHESSI workshop and high energy solar physics symposium was successfully held in Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of sciences. There were nearly hundred of scientists participating this workshop. They come from eleven different countries including US, France, UK, Germany, Italy, Russia, Austria, Switzerland, Japan, Koren and China.

RHESSI is a high energy solar spectroscopic imager launched by NASA in Feb., 2002 which is still in operation. Since its launch, the RHESSI related science has been a hot topic in the field of high energy solar physics. Annually at least one RHESSI workshop is organized. The previous eleven workshops have been held in US for five times and in Europe for six times. In RHESSI's ten-yearanniversary, for the first time, the workshop is held inAsia and in China. It has drawn the biggest attention in the solar high energy co.mmunity, no matter in terms of the number of participant countries or in terms of the number of participated scientists.

The workshop was divided into five working groups: data analysis and imaging, hard X-ray and electrons, gamma-ray and ions, multi-wavelength studies, and theoretical modelings. Different from previous RHESSI meetings, this time it has been arranged in such a way that workshop and symposium were combined to ensure sufficient time for presentations and discussions. 80 talks given in this meeting presented the latest progresses in different subfield of high energy solar physics, and also draw a blue map of the space-based and ground-based solar missions in the future. 

High energy solar physics in China develops rapidly in recent years. A total of 14 talks were presented by Chinese scientists. Dr. Gan, the deputy director of Purple Mountain Observatory, chaired the LOC and made a speech in the panel discussions about some important issues in the high energy solar physics. The on-going ground-based solar telescopes and the futurespace-born solar missions in China are interested by the participantsas well.

The national nature science foundation of China and the Chinese Academy of Sciences are greatly acknowledged for their support to the 12th RHESSI workshop and High Energy Solar Physics Symposium

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