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AUI President Ethan J. Schreier Visits PMO


 Dr. Ethan J. Schreier, president of Associated Universities, Inc., paid a visit to the Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences (PMO, CAS) on October 3, 2010.

  Dr. Schreier was shown around the key laboratories of PMO including Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Wave Laboratory and Space Astronomy Laboratory, followed by a report titled “ALMA: Science, Status and International Collaborations in Astronomy”.

  AUI once joined hands with PMO in the construction of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the largest astronomical scientific facility on earth. 

  As a non-profit educational institution supported by American government, AUI unites the resources of universities, research organizations and the federal government in the planning, construction, and operation of forefront scientific facilities that promote discovery and education while expanding knowledge of the physical world.

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