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We present the CO observations towards the well known supernova remnant (SNR)

  IC 443 to investigate its overall molecular environment using 13.7m telescope in Delingha. The OTF map covers 2.25 square degree and reveals a half ring molecular structure in the north of the remnant (Figure f1). We suggest that the molecular gas with velocity interval of -5 to -2 km/s which is located in front of the remnant is associated with the SNR (Figure f2). Using WISE and 2MASS infared dataset, we recognized 62 young stellar object (YSO) candidates in the field of view of the remnant. These YSO candidates concentrated along the boundary of the remnant's bright radio shell are probably to be triggered by the stellar winds from the massive progenitor of SNR IC 443. Please find the detailed information in

By with for SU Yang

Figure f1: CO intensity maps (13CO in red and 12CO in blue) toward SNR IC 443 overlaid
with the 1.4GHz radio continuum emission contours.

By with for SU Yang

Figure f2: The velocity distribution of 13CO emission. The blue triangles and red circles
are the YSO candidates of CLass I and Class II, respectively.

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