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The 2nd "Galactic spiral structure and kinematics" workshop successfully hold in XiShuangBanNa


   November 4th-8th, 2013. The Second "Galactic spiral structure and kinematics--the key project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China" workshop was hold in XiShuangBanNa, YunNan province. 13 Scholars from Purple Mountain Observatory, ShangHai Astronomical Observatory, YunNan Astronomical Observatory and Nanjing University participated the workshop.      

   XU Ye head of the project summarized the recent progress of the project. The project member demonstrated the research results of proper motion and parallax of maser sources in massive star formation regions, Galactic rotation curve, and class I and class II methanol maser survey. During the meetingthe participants also discussed on the work plan for the coming years.  

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