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A patent application of Qinghai station was accepted, and two other sets of software were awarded certifications of Computer Software Copyright Registration

  On May 10, 2013, two sets of software named ‘Subreflector Control software [abbreviation: Subctrl ] V4.0’ and ‘Delingha OTF Table Generator [abbreviation: dotg ] V3.3’, which proposed by Purple Mountain Observatory, Qinghai Station, were authenticated certifications of Computer Software Copyright Registration by National Copyright Administration (NCA) of the People's Republic of China, taking registration numbers with No.548908th and No.548912nd respectively. 

  On June 24, 2013, according to the relevant provisions of the Patent Law, a patent application proposed by Qinghai station of the Purple Mountain Observatory (‘A Method of OTF Observation Scanning’) was accepted in State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China with application number 201310251925.9. 

  This accepted patent application and the two sets of software were developed by the Senior Engineer Jixian Sun in Qinghai station. All of them have been used in 13.7m mm-wave radio telescope open operation for many years, and received extensive praise from both domestic and foreign observers. 

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