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Dome A 5-m THz antenna conceptual design to carry out the final review

 The Director of Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) JI Yang went to the German MT Mechatronics company (hereafter for MTM) to carry out a final review about the conceptual design of the Dome A five meter THz antenna in April 18-22, 2012. Accompanying Yang were Dr. ZUO Yingxi and Dr. LOU Zheng. In addition, Dr. Steve Padin of the California Institute of Technology was invited specially to attend the meeting as the International advisor of PMO.

During the meeting, MTM gave a comprehensive introduction to the conceptual design of Dome A 5-m THz antenna, including the design, analysis, and follow-up manufacture. Dr. Dieter Muser of the MT Aerospace company gave a report about the carbon fiber panel.

After the discussion, the project team thought that the design gave a full consideration to the special environment of Dome A and met the certain requirement. Both sides agreed that MTM must submit the final design according to the comments and feedback before the end of May 2012.

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