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An astronomical museum will be built in Delingha, with joint effort by the Haixi state government and the Purple Mountain Observatory

  On February 14 2011, the develop and reform committee of economic of the Haixi state in Qinghai province approved the proposal of "The feasibility report of
building an astronomical museum in Delingha".

  The astronomical museum is planed to be built on the main road of Delingha, located on the west side of Changjing road and extends to the east side of Binhe garden.  The total investment will be 43 million RMB. The main building will have 3 floors, including science exhibition hall, astronomical observation hall, solar gallery, planetarium, Multimedia hall, lecture hall, and office rooms etc. The Haixi state government is responsible for the construction of the project, while Purple Mountain Observatory is responsible for the part of scientific exhibition and operation.

  The astronomical museum will be served as an interactive science center for public, and will also include some extensions for public education e.g., clean energy and low-carbon technique, safety and disaster self-help, etc. It will become a science training center for education in the  West part of China in the near future.

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