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Millimeter wave radio astronomy database

The millimeter wave radio astronomy database (http://www.radioast.csdb.cn/) was  built by Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and has recently been put into trial operation. 13.7 m telescope was the only equipment in China, operating at millimeter wavelengths. So far, astronomers from the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain, Russia, China and other countries, using the 13.7 m telescope have carried out a series of research on the solar system, interstellar gas, and nearby galaxies, and have made many contributions to scientific progress.

The database was built to meet the demands of data storage of the newly developed Superconducting Spectroscopic Array Receiver (SSAR) and on-the-fly observing technique. Currently, the database contains all data taken since 2003. The data taken between 2003 and 2009 include about 1.18 million spectra, which are all publicly available now. At present, we are creating user logins for all PIs of currently running projects, which will allow them to access their data easily. After a proprietary period of one year, the data will be made publicly available at the website.  

The millimeter wave radio astronomy database is a subproject of Scientific database, CAS. This project received lots of assistances from Computer Network Information Center and other members of Scientific database, CAS.

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